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Welcome to Lover of Stories.

This is the cosy home for book lovers and writers who are hopelessly in love with storytelling. It’s a place to passionately talk about books (from characters who capture our hearts to the books that speak to our souls) and find inspiration for own fiction writing. Also sprinkled in-between are book reviews, weekly recommendations and personal essays.

And who am I?

My name is Madeline, and I’m a reader and writer from little ole Australia. I’m also a mama to two little wildings (my son is 3 and my daughter is almost 2), so you bet my drink of choice is coffeeeeee.

After entering into motherhood, I lost my love and passion for reading and telling stories. But now that I’m on the cusp of 30, I’m feeling a renewed vigour to chase after my publishing dreams and share my love of books with other likeminded folk.

Although I predominately write magical realism and fantasy, I don’t have a favourite genre when it comes to reading. I love to indulge in as many different styles of books as possible and have been intentionally diversifying my reading. This means that some of my book recommendations might not be for you, but I hope to at least inspire you to step outside your comfort zone and try something a little different.

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a cosy home for the book lovers and writers hopelessly in love with storytelling.


Writer + book lover.