Jun 5Liked by Madeline Mills

The Sword Catcher sounds so good!! On my TBR.

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I've always loved Cassandra Clare's books, so I'm hoping I'll love this one too! 🤎

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Jun 5Liked by Madeline Mills

My year of rest and relaxation is all about the vibes rather than the plot and I was there for it - enjoy x

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Ah that's incredible and makes me want to read it even more. Thank you, Laura! 🤎

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Jun 5Liked by Madeline Mills

I hope you enjoy The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo!!!

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Thank you, Ani! It's been on my TBR for the longest time 🤎

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I loved A Room of One's Own and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. And I do have funny story and normal people on my tbr.

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That's so great to hear! I hope you're able to get to Funny Story and Normal People soon 🤎

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Jun 5Liked by Madeline Mills

Woolf is an author I need to dedicate an entire week to and just read only her stuff. I feel guilty not having read "a room of one's own" yet. ☹️

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Don't feel guilty! I've only just read A Room of One's Own and thought the same thing -- like, how did I go 29 years without reading this? Haha. But I definitely recommend you picking it up, it's such a powerful read. I definitely want to pick up more of her work 🤎

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Jun 4Liked by Madeline Mills

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue looks so good. Looking forward to hearing what you think 😃

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I'm very excited for that one! It really does sound incredible 🤎

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Thank you, Isabel! 🤎

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What a good haul, Madeline!

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Thank you, Michelle! 🤎

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Jun 4Liked by Madeline Mills

Eliza Clark is my new favourite writer 🩶 and Funny Story was such a feel good!

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Oh that's amazing! I'm very excited to read Boy Parts, and I've heard that her other book, Penance, is such a great read also 🤎

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Jun 6Liked by Madeline Mills

Penance is even better! I wrote a review for it in my latest post. I simply devoured it and cannot wait for her next work

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Oh yay! That’s so great to hear 🤎

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Jun 4Liked by Madeline Mills

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue looks so good! I've put it on my TBR list!

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It sounds incredible, doesn't it? I hope you enjoy it, I can't wait to start reading it 🤎

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Jun 4Liked by Madeline Mills

I’ve read The seven Husbands of……’ which I vaguely remember as being an easy but forgettable read. I’ve read Normal People which I loved

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So excited to read Normal People -- it seems to be a lot of people's favourite 🤎

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Jun 4Liked by Madeline Mills

I bet you're gonna love My Year of Rest and Relaxation! Beach Read was also good; I want to read Funny Story soon but I keep putting it off, hah.

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My fingers are tightly crossed that I'm going to love it! I'm glad to hear you loved Beach Read too. Hope you enjoy Funny Story when you get to it! 🤎

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So many amazing reads! Emily Henry! Addie LaRue! Happy reading, indeed.

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Wow! That's an interesting collection!

A Room Of One's Own is a book I've been thinking of reading for a long time, but I haven't managed that yet. I know the topic it's about and find it very interesting, so hopefully I'll read it soon 😅

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is one of my all-time favorite standalones!

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Oh I absolutely loved The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - such a good book! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it :)

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