Evocation caught my eye too! I currently have a running note in my phone with a list of at least 30 new releases to keep an eye out for. I'm trying to prioritize the library instead of buying books!

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Prioritising the library is such a good idea! Books are so expensive 😅 and supporting local libraries are so important 🤎

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Blue Sisters is also on my list! While I haven’t done a strict book buying ban in a few years, I’ve definitely cut down the amount of books I buy and have been trying to utilize the library first!

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I'm so excited to read Blue Sisters! And that's incredible. The library is such a great resource 🤎

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Jun 26Liked by Madeline Mills

Our Wives Under the Sea is so haunting. I think about it all the time. Blue Sisters is on my list!

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It sounds incredible, I'm so excited to read it. I hope you like Blue Sisters! 🤎

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Vicious is one of my favorites! And I’m excited to read Evocation too.

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I loved "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" and the "A Darker Shade of Magic" trilogy, so I have such high hopes for V. E. Schwab's Vicious series! So glad to hear you loved it 🤎

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I've put myself on a book ban too, determined to get through my TBR shelf & clean out my little library before adding any new ones. That being said, I've added Blue Sisters and Our Wives Under the Sea to my 'Want to Read' shelf on Goodreads. They look sooo good!

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It's such a good goal to have! Sometimes it feels like I have all these great books but I never get to them. It feels so good to start getting through them. I hope you like "Blue Sisters" and "Our Wives Under the Sea", they definitely sound like such great reads 🤎

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Jun 26Liked by Madeline Mills

You somehow ALWAYS manage to share books with amazing covers!

I'm currently trying to get through my physical TBR before buying any more books (the price to pay for a smaller home) but I've saved this post to go back to when I need to make some more investments!

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Haha it's definitely an accident 😅

I'm glad this post is going to come in handy! I'm so excited to get to some of these in the future 🤎

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Planning what books to buy is one of my favorite things to do LOL

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It's definitely one of my favourite pastimes for sure haha 😂

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Jun 26Liked by Madeline Mills

I placed myself on a book ban a couple of years ago after realising I had over 120 books in my physical TBR pile. I promised for one year to work my way through the pile and not buy anything else (gifts from others were ok though 😬) - I halved it in that time, but since then I've bounced back with a vengeance! I should probably think about another ban...

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I think that's INCREDIBLE you managed to halve it though, what a wonderful accomplishment! I have no doubt you can do it again 🤎

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Jun 26Liked by Madeline Mills

All's Well is on my physical tbr right now and I cannot wait to read it!! Vicious will easily become your favorite, it's an extremely good book. And well, Outline is great. But it's Rachel Cusk so of course it has to be at least good. Hope you can get to these as soon as you can🌸

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Mona Awad is an ICON, so I bet you'll love it. I'm excited to read it for sure!

And that's so great to hear about Vicious. It sounds so good. And I'm excited to begin reading Rachel Cusk soon. Her work has been on my radar for a while but I haven't read anything of hers yet 🤎

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Jun 26Liked by Madeline Mills

So many of these have now gone onto my TBR list!

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I hope that you enjoy them all!

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Jun 26Liked by Madeline Mills

I also want Blue Sisters, partially because I enjoy the cover so much. I loved What I'd Rather Not Think About. It packed such a punch for a shorter novel.

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The cover is absolutely stunning! And that's so great to hear about "What I'd Rather Not Think About". It sounds soooo good 🤎

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I really admire how diverse your taste is. You have such a wide range!!

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Thank you so much! I've really been trying to challenge myself and read as widely as I can 🤎

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Jun 25Liked by Madeline Mills

Don't tempt me, girl! Now I wanna buy almost all of your list! 🫣😂 Definitely Blue Sisters, Checkout 19 and What I'd rather not think about...they seems super interesting and are already on my TBR! Also, you get a point for having Brutes on this list 😎 It's one of my favourite books, I still think about certain scenes and its general vibe from time to time, and I read it in January! I hope you'll like it too, recommend recommend 🩷

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Hahaha I'm so sorry! 😂

Those three sound SO GOOD, I'm very excited to delve into those and I hope you love them too! And I'm so intrigued by Brutes. It sounds amazing and you've made me want to read it even more! 🤎

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Jun 25Liked by Madeline Mills

Soooo excited for Blue Sisters! Also Checkout 19 has been on my TBR for a while now.

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It seriously sounds amazing, I'm so excited to read it too! And Checkout 19 just sounds really different, I can't wait to give it a go! 🤎

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PROPS for being able to stick to the book-buying ban... those last about a day for me before i break my own rules 😂 🤡 But i have so many of these on holds at the library– our wives under the sea, brutes, and what Id rather not think about. I couldnt get into checkout 19 and had to set it aside. I have been looking forward to Blue Sisters all year– can the treat for a book ban be buying a book? maybe I will try to make it to september and then buy that when it comes out lol. love this list!

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Trust me when I say it has been DIFFICULT but also very rewarding haha. And don't worry, this is the longest I've been on one -- I've struggled so much to stick to one in the past 😂

I hope you enjoy the ones you have on hold. And that's disappointing about Checkout 19. But I guess not every book is for everyone and that's okay! 🤎

I definitely give you permission to buy Blue Sisters as a treat 😎

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