The Haunting of Hill House is seconded, and also its Netflix adaptation which is incredibly well done. I've never seen a horror story with such an original basis, such a strong mystery and eerie theme throughout too...

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I'm a bit of a scaredy cat and watched the first episode of the Netflix adaption and was terrified 😅 I couldn't watch it after that. But I loved reading the book. Like you said it was so eerie!

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

I also enjoyed the Netflix movie of Hill House.

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Even though I was too scared watching it haha, I thought the casting, writing and atmosphere were so well done. I can definitely see why it's so popular 🤎

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

Absolutely. I have the book but I’m going to save it for the end of September.

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My Dark Vanessa is one of those books I saw so much on bookstagramtok that I wrote it off as gimmicky but I am intrigued... A Little Life is one of the most consuming books I've ever read!

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Definitely not gimmicky! I really think My Dark Vanessa captures such a sensitive, heavy and dark so respectfully. It's written very beautifully without romanticising the content, and it's definitely one of those stories that will stay with you forever.

A Little Life is sooo good! 🤎

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Okay, you’ve convinced me! I have to read If We Were Villains now. The Shakespeare nerd in me demands it.

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Yay -- then my job here is done! Haha 😂

I hope you enjoy reading it. If We Were Villains is one of my all time favourite books and I think it's so beautifully written. Definitely recommend if you're a Shakespeare nerd 🤎

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A Little Life is my favorite book ever and you captured so many good quotes from it. My Dark Vanessa and If We Were Villains have been on my tbr forever- the quotes you shared for both have me interested in giving them a try. I love quotes that not only make an impact in the story but apply to life in general too

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My Dark Vanessa and If We Were Villains are incredible reads, I definitely recommend giving them a read! And yes, I love when you can read a quote and apply it to your life. The ones from The Picture of Dorian Gray are my favourite because even though it was written such a long time ago, they can still be applied even now 🤎

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

I’ve read A little life although i haven’t completed it yet, because it is such a heavy read and I felt like i needed to be in the right headspace for it and then i just DNF it. But I’ve heard soo much about it, hopefully will get back to it soon. Especially because while I do enjoy reading books with dark themes, I also like myself books that I can take something back from and A little life is definitely one like that. Meanwhile, My Dark Vanessa and If We Were Villains has been on my tbr for so long. Thank you so much for sharing across these quotes!! ❤️

(Ps, I enjoy reading books with beautiful prose too and I tend to save it in my notes app. Would definitely recommend On earth we’re briefly gorgeous and Night sky by exit wounds by Ocean Vuong for the same!!)

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That's so fair! A Little Life is an extremely heavy book and I agree with the fact that if you're not in the right headspace you shouldn't read it. Fingers crossed you're able to go back to it soon, sometimes a break is needed 🤎

My Dark Vanessa is beautifully written but quite a heavy read too, although it's not as 'on every single page' like A Little Life. If We Were Villains is one of my all time favourite books, I'd recommend that to everyone.

And thank you so much for the book recommendations, I'll definitely look into them. I'm always looking for books with beautiful prose to read 🤎

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May 17Liked by Madeline Mills

You’re very welcome!!! :)

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

“Do you blame Shakespeare for any of it?” is a quote that had me in a chokehold for weeks! I loved If We Were Villains and wish I could experience reading it for the first time again.

Im afraid to read A Little Life, especially after seeing all the discussions surrounding it 😭. I'm worried I'll be A)Traumatised B) in a reading slump after because of A) 😂

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I feel the exact same way about If We Were Villains! Such a great book, so beautifully written 🤎

And that's 100% fair about A Little Life. It's definitely a heavy book and has a lot of upsetting moments throughout it. I'd definitely only read it if you're 100% sure. If you do decide to read it, I suggest following it up with a happier, light-hearted book. I read Happy Place afterwards and that helped to not put me in a reading slump 😊

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I've read The Picture Of Dorian Gray. It's a masterpiece. Have you seen Penny Dreadful? It took all of the favourite 19th century gothic characters and threw them together. I loved it.

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It's probably my favourite classic -- so wonderfully written and still applicable today! I actually haven't, but I've been considering adding it to my watch list! 🤎

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There's a lot to it. I thought their portrayal of Dorian and Frankenstein's monster was beautiful and tragic.

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Definitely adding it to be list then!

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I finished the Haunting Of Hill House last night! I had the audiobook so I can listen to it while doing a million other things. I thought it was beautifully done. I was listening intently to every word.

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I'd really love to listen to the audiobook version! The book was so atmospheric that I feel like it would be an incredible listening experience 🤎

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I think it carries well. I listened on my libby app. I felt cold a lot of the time.

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

I've been wanting to read My Dark Vanessa for a while... is it too deppressing?

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I'm not going to lie, it's very heavy and at times can be quite depressing. I think it was wonderfully handled and written very respectfully for such a sensitive topic, but it's quite a dark book in places.

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

Thanks!!! When I'm in the mood then hehe

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

The Picture of Dorian Gray is so hard to read. I started reading it, but I stopped halfway through! But I really want to read it. Any tips?

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That's fair, it's certainly not for everyone! I've struggled with other classics in the past and sometimes found that watching the movie adaption of a classic book helps me to visualise the book better. I know this sometimes takes out the surprises as you're reading, but it might help your reading experience.

Another tip I've seen that sometimes helps is looking up the themes of classic books before reading them so you can focus on identifying them as you read.

I'm not sure if any of that helps! But if you decide to try reading it again, I wish you all the best and would love to discuss your thoughts 🤎

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May 15Liked by Madeline Mills

Thanks. I'll try those things.

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May 14Liked by Madeline Mills

These books are so beautifully written and you’ve captured it perfectly in these quotes ♥️ I’ve almost finished The Raven Cycle. Possibly the best YA series I’ve ever read ♥️

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Thank you! 🤎 The Raven Cycle is such an incredible series, definitely my favourite YA series too! So happy that you've enjoyed it!

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May 14Liked by Madeline Mills

The Haunting of Hill House is so good omg, one of my favourite books of all time 😍 And now I'm intrigued by My Dark Vanessa thanks to you! 😎

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I was so surprised by how much I enjoyed The Haunting of Hill House -- but is one of my favourites of all time too! So beautifully written and so atmospheric.

My Dark Vanessa is an incredible book. Very dark and uncomfortable at times, but the author has done an amazing job at depicting such sensitive themes without romanticising them. It's definitely a book that you'll remember 🤎

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May 14Liked by Madeline Mills

Thank you for this!🥹❤️

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You're very welcome, I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🤎

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