Jun 12Liked by Madeline Mills

I only recently started collecting quotes in my notes app from books I'm reading. From the list, I've only read "Book Lovers", but the first quote makes me want to reread it!

Also, this is definitely motivation to move "Song of Achilles" up on my tbr list :)

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It's so nice collecting all your favourite quotes and reading over them, isn't it? 🤎 Book Lovers is one of my favourite reads so far this year. And The Song of Achilles is very good -- so beautifully written. I hope you enjoy it!

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Yep great quotes will get me. Love this idea

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There's nothing better than beautiful quotes that stick with you! Thank you 🤎

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Jun 11Liked by Madeline Mills

i’ve been thinking of reading carmilla for a while, and this definitely convinced me! (among the others too!)

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I hope that you enjoy it -- Carmilla was such a beautiful read. It's only 160 or so pages, so it was a quick read that really stuck with me 🤎

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Jun 11Liked by Madeline Mills

I will definitely read Carmilla at some point. It intrigues me a lot! 😎

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I think that you will love it! 🤎

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I saved the same quote on hate from Beartown—that book has so many powerful lines!

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What a great way to represent book recommendations, it would be really cool to see this in a book store.

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I have read Emily Henry once and found her writing engaging. I don't think I've read any of the other authors. Which one is your favorite/ best to start with?

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great idea, i want to read everything! and i’ve already read the cruel prince, i never tire of June. you made me want to collect all my book’s quotes!!

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well Carmilla is now HIGH on the list!!

“You never have the sort of friends you have when you’re fifteen ever again. Even if you keep them for the rest of your life, it’s never the same as it was then.” - why does Beartown know everything? Even the other quote about hate sums up so much of what is happening in the US and the world right now.

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