So many good quotes from great books! You’re inspiring me to start noting all my favorite quotes in one spot so I can go back and read through them together ☺️

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Oh I hope you decide to! I love being able to go into my document of collected quotes and read all of my favourite quotes at one time 🤎

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I LOVE this series! I do the same thing of collecting beautiful quotes from books. If words can stop me in my tracks, I’m saving the quote!

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Yay! Thank you, Katherine 🤎 And yes, if a quote makes me stop reading in amazement I'm putting into my collection also!

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I also used one of those quotes from The Secret History when I wrote about it!! The whole list is just excellent you have great taste and that just tells me I will pretty much love anything you recommend (no pressure)

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Oh thank you so much! I hope I don't disappoint with my recommendations 🙊 all of these books mean the world to me so I love recommending them.

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May 10Liked by Madeline Mills

This is a magnificent curation!

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Thank you so much! 🤎

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May 9Liked by Madeline Mills

So many good reccs! I've read Bunny, Eileen and Secret History -- all of which are faves!

I love this new concept of convincing readers to pick up books based on quotes!

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I'm so glad that you enjoyed those three -- they're so incredibly well written! I'll definitely be doing more posts like this one 🤎

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I love book quotes. I have yet to read the virgin suicides, but I have heard great things

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Such a great book, hope you get to it one day! 🤎

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I’ve seen the trailers for the screen adaptions of Eileen and daisy jones, and I have to say, with these quotes you’ve chosen they seem to differ quite a bit. Eileen especially, which I did not expect to have such deep introspection from the characters… likely if I check on of these out it would be that! Nicely curated list!

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That's so interesting, I've been wanting to see the Eileen adaption to see if it's anything like the book. The book is a very deep, fleshed out analysis of Eileen as a character and I loved getting into her mind. So it'll be interesting to see what the movie does for her character. At the very least, I 100% recommend the book.

The Daisy Jones and The Six adaption is fantastic, probably the best tv show adaption of a book I've seen so far. There's some deviations from the book, which is to be expected, but I can forgive those changes because it still stuck very true the essence of the story. It definitely captures it's heart and the actors do a fantastic job at becoming the characters. I 100% recommend both the book and the show!

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May 7Liked by Madeline Mills

How did you manage to narrow down your picks for The Secret History? So many gems!

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Every single page is utter perfection so it was SO HARD to pick my favourites! 😅

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you've just convinced me AGAIN that the secret history has the most beautiful prose ever

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It seriously does, it was so hard to pick my favourites! 🤎

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May 7Liked by Madeline Mills

Great inspo! The Virgin Suicides is one of my fav books 🩷 I'm Intrigued by Cleopatra and Frankenstein, maybe I'll give it a go 😎 I'm working on a similar concept for an upcoming article ahahah, sometimes timing plays strange games 😂

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Cleopatra and Frankenstein is one of my favourite reads of this year, so I definitely recommend! And oh, I can't wait to read your upcoming article. Great minds think alike 😉🤎

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May 8Liked by Madeline Mills

😂😂😂 thanks! Well, if it's so good I need to read it asap! 😎

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Ooh, the Secret History quotes get right at the root of that chilling, beautiful book.

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I have the secret history on my TBR but bumping it up next. I hope it will be lovely as an audiobook. thank you! xox

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Great way to recommend books! I'll have to check some of these out!

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great books! i've read my year of rest and relaxation from ottessa but didn't like it much. but after the quotes you shared, i might look at her other books. would it be alright with you if i publish a similar thing?

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