May 19Liked by Madeline Mills

I love how your romanticise your reading time! It sounds so cosy and relaxing! ♥️ Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on A Room of One’s Own 😃

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May 19Liked by Madeline Mills

I came here to say this exact thing! Definitely taking inspo for my own reading spot!

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Thank you, it's definitely a cosy and relaxing experience for sure 🤎 I loved A Room of One's Own -- I'll be writing a love letter soon!

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May 22Liked by Madeline Mills

I started actively reading on January 1, 2020 with The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger and since then, I never stopped. Somehow, that book changed my life and now I cannot imagine my days without reading at least a few pages. Reading is one of the most precious hobbies that exist🌸

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That's so incredible! I think it's amazing how we always remember the book that gets us into reading 🤎 and I definitely agree -- reading is such a magical hobby and like you I can't imagine not losing myself in a book!

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May 21Liked by Madeline Mills

I don't read if I don't do it first thing in the morning. First coffee, then read.

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Yes, I need to have a coffee and read some of my book to feel ready for my day 🤎

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May 21Liked by Madeline Mills

Also, re-watched Almost Famous two days ago. Still one of my faves!

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I'm very excited to finally watch it -- it looks so good! 🤎

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May 21Liked by Madeline Mills

Yes to picking books you really want to read and not let others tell you differently ♡ and Beartown is one of my favourite books ever! Still need to read the last installment, but the sequel was great too

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Yes, it's definitely so important! 🤎

That's great to hear about the sequel. Beartown was such an incredible book that I wondered how the sequel continued the story. Fingers crossed you love the final instalment too!

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May 22Liked by Madeline Mills

It’s rare that a sequel can live up to the original for sure, but it’s definitely worth reading! It grabs you just as Beartown does in character arcs, Benji and Bobo in particular, and they now have a special place in my heart

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That's so exciting to hear, because I found myself gravitating towards both of them in the first book. So happy to know that we get more of them in the second one 🤎

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I loved reading all of your tips, I think you are so right about readers needing to fall deeper in love with their reading. I've been hearing from so many people who are frustrated with their reading, or overwhelmed with their tbd's and I think they've lost their reading way- it's supposed to be something readers love and enjoy!

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Yes, that's so true Renee!

Unfortunately I think some readers feel pressure from social media to consume more and more books, like they're not reading fast enough or should have a pile of books so big it's tumbling over, which would definitely take away their love of reading. Like you said, it should be something they love and enjoy -- not something they feel pressured to do 🤎

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May 20Liked by Madeline Mills

I 100% recommend using a physical book tracker--I use Janssen Bradshaw's from her blog Everyday Reading--I've always bounced off of Goodreads every time I re-try it. Now I'm really consistent with my tracking!

Writing-wise, I'm trying my hand at writing here! Thanks for the lovely article~

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I'll definitely check that out! I'm worried about being consistent with a physical book tracker, so I appreciate any tips I can read 🤎

And that's incredible. I wish you all the best with your writing journey!

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May 21Liked by Madeline Mills

I hope it works for you! I think for me it works because there's no pressure to come up with an opinion on the spot, it's just a reminder which book it is that you had thoughts about 😅

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Yes! Those points are the biggest ones: you've gotta read the things you like, else it feels like a chore! Also, keeping a track record of books is nice to see how far you've come and look back at your achievements; key for motivations!

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Yes, you never want your reading experience to feel like a chore! So glad you agree with these points 🤎

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Romanticizing as many parts of my day as possible has been helping me slow down. I’m so over rushing through everything. I admire anyone who can wake up and read before they start their day, I find if I do that I can’t focus at work (I’d just rather be reading!)

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That's incredible! I've been starting with romanticising my reading time, but I would love to extend this habit to other areas of my life too. I definitely understand what you mean about not wanting to rush through life anymore -- I love that you are focusing on slowing down as much as possible 🤎

And that's fair! It's taken me a while to get use to it. But it's one of the only times I can with kids 😂

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May 19Liked by Madeline Mills

I so agree on romanticising your reading time! Its been such a nice way to unwind from a busy day or week. My reading flow goes up and down together with the seasons of my life, but making it more cosy and positive thing to read has helped a lot on the days where Im just a little stuck.

As for my writing, I'm still on the fence on sharing some short stories I have written for one my DnD characters - it just feels a bit scary to put it out there

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Yes, my reading has definitely changed with the seasons of my life too. But I agree, romanticising the experience makes it so much more enticing and makes me excited to keep on reading.

I understand it feeling scary -- but I would read them if you posted them! I think that sounds like such a great idea 🤎

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May 20Liked by Madeline Mills

Thank you for the encouragement :)

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You have such a way with words! I think my relationship with reading - like any relationship in life - ebbs and flows just like you said. Right now, I'm ebbing for sure, but that doesn't mean I don't love it! Life has been busier recently, but I know that when I'm ready to flow, my books will be there.

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Thank you so much! 🤎 And that's fair, it's understandable that when life gets busy that reading unfortunately gets pushed down on our list of priorities. But you're so right! It will definitely be there waiting for you when you get back to it.

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I love how you romanticize your reading! I felt ready to cozy up with a book just reading it.

I am also someone that is constantly trying to get people to read the books I just finished 🤣

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Haha, I'm glad I'm not alone with that one 😂 Whenever I see my mum I always have a book ready to give her to read. I hate when you finish a book and you have no one to talk about it with 😂

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May 19Liked by Madeline Mills

Writing out quotes from a book is a good way to remember the book and how it made you feel. Thank you for all the tips!

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It's definitely one of my favourite ways to remember the books I read! Thank you 🤎

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May 19Liked by Madeline Mills

I love these tips! Romanticizing your reading time is my absolute favorite, but exploring different genres is also fantastic! I used to dislike book clubs, but lately, I’ve discovered that they’re the only way I’ll read books I wouldn’t have picked up otherwise—and I love that.

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I still struggle a little with in-person book clubs myself but I've been tempted to join an online one recently -- but I love that they've opened you up to new books! 🤎

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May 21Liked by Madeline Mills

Hmm... I'll be curious to know if you like the online ones. I've been tempted but haven't taken the plunge there either. Could be fun or... I could just forget about it completely! 🤣

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Yes, that's my worry too!

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Congrats on all the progress with your writing!! It’s such a good feeling to go back and re read something and still like it 😂 one of the changes I made with this round of edits is also to further develop a character and friendship and it’s been so much fun, so I really related to that!

Also loved that Taylor Swift article. I zoomed right to ‘Red’ 😆

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like you i be sure to vary up the genre. i constantly add books to my various book queues and move from subject to subject, vibe to vibe. plus, if i'm not feeling it fairly quickly, i move on. I read what i want to not what i should. Plus! I started a newsletter to share book recs which has made me much more attentive to the books i am reading; keeping quotes, thoughts and complaints in apple notes. I also keep track of every book i've read ( since 2012) on pinterest as the covers usually take me right back to the book and the circumstances around reading it.

https://therollingladder.substack.com/ if interested!

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