i love this! it can be so hard to start a work but finishing it can be much harder especially as a perfectionist. Thank you for the advice on what comes after a first draft too. This has really motivated me tome to get back into my WIP and finish that first draft 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

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Thank you so much! It makes me so happy to hear that this has motivated you, wishing you all the best as you continue working on your first draft. You've got this! 🤎

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Congratulations on your first draft! I found it so fascinating to read this newsletter and delve a little into your creative process. As a fellow writer, The End almost doesn’t feel like the end, does it? Your plan between drafts and for your second draft sounds brilliant: wishing you all the best for the next stage.

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Thank you so much, Michelle! 🤎 And yes, The End definitely doesn't feel like the end -- it feels like a brand new beginning.

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Apr 9Liked by Madeline Mills

Congratulations on your first draft - that’s exciting! Reaching a goal can be scary because now you’re in unfamiliar territory and it’s all become very real! ♥️

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Thank you so much! And yes, that's so true 🤎

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Love this! Congrats on finishing your first draft - I’m about halfway through mine myself. I definitely resonate with the feeling of dragging out words in the beginning because I’m very much so in my flow stage. I’m actually a bit scared to write the end because that makes it much more real. Am I actually going to work towards publishing it? A bunch of questions arise for me that I haven’t considered yet because thus far it’s been for fun. And while it’s still fun, I’ve been recognizing that I have something really special in front of me.

Anyway! I’ll stop blabbing now!

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Oh I love all of this. Especially that you can see that you have something special in front of you. Whatever you decide once you reach the end, I hope you always remember how special it is 🤎

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It’s an unbelievable feeling honestly. Recognizing the start of a dream turning into reality? How crazy and lucky we are

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